Miniature garden around a miniature houseMiniature gardens (or fairy gardens, if you are a believer) are delightful and entertaining for all ages. If you have a yen to have a garden and are hampered by space or time, or simply like little things, consider a miniature garden.

These gardens can be contained in just about anything that tickles your fancy. Maybe it’s a favorite antique dish you can set on a table, a clay pot, or a birdbath. It might be a special place in an outdoor garden.

Tiny accessories of all sorts are available everywhere, but it’s the teeny plants that will enthrall you. They’ll inspire you to create something that’s uniquely yours. Perhaps you must have Irish moss, which makes a lawn and blooms with multitudes of white flowers, or that Tiny Rubies pink with brilliant tiny double pink flowers.

You may want “trees” in your garden. They could be very small conifers or you might shape a coleus, rosemary plant, or miniature jade plant into a suitable form. Succulents like Stonecrop or Hen and Chicks make great accents and many ground covers fill in your landscape. There are no limitations. Just have fun and enjoy!

—Judy McManus

See a full list of plants in the Miniatures and Succulents section.