We just received a bunch of sale photos from 2008, which was a bright and sunny week for the sale. They were taken by Richard Y. Kain, grandparent of a Friends School student. Thanks, Dick!


Three middle school-age kids in tie-dye shirts with trays of plants

Friends School kids help unload plants on Wednesday and Thursday before the sale.


Many trays of plants on the floor of a large building with people in tie dye shirts walking and standing around them

The plants come off the trucks and have to find their way to the correct spot on the table... not as simple as it might sound!


Two women sitting on grass, face to face, in front of a blue wall, each studying a newspaper

On Friday morning, shoppers waited for opening time by checking their lists and conferring with other shoppers. It was a beautiful day in 2008 (unlike 2010). Let's hope 2011 is half as nice as 2008!


Photo from above of a hundred people with shopping carts, taken from above with a fisheye lens

The crowd waited to get in, just before opening time.


Smiling woman very happy looking with arms full of plants

A shopper carrying her plants.


Two women, one older looking than the other, discuss something in a printed newspaper catalog in front of colorful hanging baskets

Conferring in the coleus.


Two "little red wagons" full of plants, left unattended

A moment of temporary plant parking.


Man with cap sitting on the floor, writing on paper with many plants in boxes and wagon in front of him

This shopper is checking his list before heading to the checkouts, making sure he had everything written down and priced.


People with their wagons and carts full of plants line up to check out

Into the home stretch! (Note: This is before the checkout area was moved to its present location, which is approached along the back wall of the Grandstand.)