Not Available This Year

About Li Ren

40 days. Attractive and flavorful early mini with uniform light green heads proportionate to size. Enjoy a quick harvest and easy prep in the kitchen. Good bolt resistance.

About Bok Choi

One of the oldest of the Asian greens. Stalks are mild and crunchy while the leaves are pleasantly tangy; each has different cooking times, so it's like getting two vegetables for the price of one. A cool-weather crop.

Pot Size & Price
6 plants in a pack
Sunlight Exposure
Full Sun

Other varieties of Bok Choi

Bok Choi 'Joi Choi', white stems and green leaves
Photo from Green Earth Growers

Joi Choi

White-stemmed Pac Choy, green leaves and white stems
Photo from High Mowing Seeds

White-Stemmed Pac Choy
