About Temple of Bloom
Larger flower clusters and deeper red flower look-alikes than the species. Attractive reddish brown bark peels away in narrow strips to reveal pale brown inner bark. After blooming, each flower’s base (its calyx) turns red and extends, resembling flowers with red petals, lasting until November.
The Latin name, Heptacodium, means “seven poppy heads.” As we understand it, the central “knob” becomes the stem that produces the next circle of six flowers. Here’s a botanical article about this unusual tree. May no longer exist in the wild in China.
About Seven Son Tree
Large clusters of jasmine-scented white flowers in whorls in September when few other shrubs bloom. Each contains six tiny flowers around a central knob (in bud, these look like seven little heads). A multi-stemmed shrub that can be trained as a tree. Native to China, but quite rare. Best in a protected spot.