A tiny nibble of the flower bud makes your tongue tingle and go numb, increases salivation, and "cools" your throat. Use just a little! Shredded raw leaves are traditionally used as flavoring for salads, soups, and meats in Brazil and India. Cooked leaves are milder and used in stews. Also known as the Toothache Plant, Electric Daisy, Eyeball Plant, Peek-A-Boo Plant, Spot Plant, and Prickelblume.

Curious, olive-shaped 1" yellow flower clusters on stalks, each with a rust-burgundy "eye" on top. They look like bullseye-painted drumsticks or some very weird eyeball-on-toothpick hors d'oeuvres. Bronze-tinted stems and foliage. Tender perennial from Brazil. Syn. Spilanthes oleracea.

Pot Size & Price
3.5-in. pot
Sunlight Exposure
Full Sun Partial Sun
Plant Traits
Stock Notes
Restocks On Saturday